Friday, September 12, 2014

Cleaning up my act!

Wow, how time flies! It's been almost a year since my last post! This past year has brought me some interesting revelations & a new grand baby as well! Ellery Anne arrived at the end of April, weighing in at a whopping 9#1oz! She's a healthy bundle of pure joy! Unfortunately she lives over 600 miles away & my other grandchildren moved over 1200 miles away, so needless to say, I've been the traveling Grandma this year! 
The year also brought me to a realization of what we actually put into our bodies! I was intrigued by all these Paleo, Vegan, Vegetarian, Mediterranean & Clean Eating diets, so I started doing some research to find what would work best for me. What I found was that all this refined sugar & processed food, (even shredded cheese & orange juice have chemicals & additives that really don't do us one bit of good) have no business being in our diets in the first place! So why are we eating them?! Did you know that some shredded cheese has powdered cellulose? Want a little wood pulp for lunch? I made a decision to try to be healthier by making healthier choices in the food I eat, so a couple months ago, I started buying fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, grass-fed beef, free-range organic chicken and all the non or minimally processed things I could find. I'm still learning, but talk about feeling better! The word "constipation" is no longer in my vocabulary, for one thing! LOL Oh I know, TMI, sorry! LOL My first week I dropped 3.5 lbs without even counting calories or watching portions! I think I'm on to something! Think about it. The human body was never designed to handle things like titanium dioxide for example! Best known for being in sunscreen, vitamins & makeup. I recently found it listed in the ingredients on a candy package!!! In Fact, according to the Canadian Center for Occupational Health & Safety, titanium dioxide may be a human carcinogen! Do you really want to give that to your kids or grandkids?
If you do nothing else this week, look in your cupboards & read the labels on your processed foods. If you don't know what they are or you can't pronounce them, do you really think you should be eating them? Better yet, look them up online. If that doesn't scare you clean, nothing will! 
By the way, frozen fruit with a little water in my blender, makes one heck of a Slurpee!!! 

Hugs! Grandma B

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